It's difficult to understand why people don't realize that pets are gifts to mankind-Linda Blair

Wonders of Your New Puppy Congratulations, you’ve adopted a new puppy! Taking a new life into your home, accepting the formidable challenge of caring for it, establishing bonds- many animal lovers would say there is nothing more enjoyable, more fulfilling.

A Lifelong Bond

Raising a dog from puppyhood can be as rewarding as any human child. Watch it grow and be there to help shape its’ personality, confident with the knowledge you are the one who determines how this little furry creature will develop into adulthood. Does your new puppy grow to be a social butterfly, friendly with everyone and a great playfriend with kids? That depends on how much effort in socialization you are willing to put in early on. Find solace in the knowledge you will never be alone again, always have a friend on those rainy days!

Powerful Senses

Though they don’t have the most powerful sense of smell out of any land animal, dogs exceed humans by so much it might as well be unimaginable. Statistics measuring between 10,000 to 100,000 times greater than us are often thrown around. Dogs ‘see’ the world through their sense of smell like we do via our eyesight. Even the tiniest aspect of our world is vibrant with strong aromas for them. Search and rescue dogs can often trail a scent over a day old from a mile away, or buried deep within snow. They’ve found children lost within millions of acres of forest, or disaster survivors buried underneath tons of rubble; people who never would have made it to safety if it wasn’t for their canine saviors. Along with today’s advances in understanding, dogs are being trained to sniff out cancerous cells before any human made technology.

Tricks & Training

Not only can you impress your family and friends with the amazing tricks you can teach your new pet, find ways to benefit off of your pup’s insane sense of smell! How do you benefit, the both of you having fun at the same time? For one, teach the ‘keys’ game, train your pup to find your car keys, and searching for them in a rus is a thing of the past! Easily training your new pup to retrieve things, like shoes, is as simple as some effort and research! You can even train your dog to help pick up laundry! It’s as easy as ‘Google: Train Dog to Pick Up Laundry’. It’s surprising what people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on a professional trainer for, considering absolutely any theory ever imagined is free on the internet, but you can do that too (for the busy pet owner)! Never experience boredom again with your new furry companion!

Agility & Show

Is it your dream to compete in world class agility tournaments, televised live in front of millions of viewers? Trust me, nearly Any dog out there, any dog you may find at a shelter, even homeless strays- any dog has the ability to compete at a world class level. The whole idea of agility tricks comes easy to almost any dog. It is a question of showing them what is being asked, and providing proper, positive incentive. In other words, world champions aren’t decided by the skill of any dog; selective breeding has little impact. Whether they win or lose is determined by the skill, knowledge and patience of the human trainer. You don’t need a college education for this, just the willingness and passion to put forth time and effort! ׏ Teach a dog to jump through a hoop, or over a hurdle? So easy a kindergartner could do it; I’m confident I could do this with nearly any dog in less than 15 minutes. ׏ Convince a dog to run through a tunnel? With adequate knowledge, that is even easier than the trick I mentioned above. ׏ Running up a ladder, or weaving in between poles? It’s surprising that this seems daunting to some; consider the mental effort they would take, and then ask yourself the limits you’ve seen dogs go to.

A Learning Opportunity

Now that you have adopted a new puppy, immerse yourself in research, becoming a Canine expert in your own right! You would be surprised how much money people are willing to spend on a professional trainer in order to avoid doing simple research themselves. The whole idea is very ironic, since most dog training is really about teaching the owner how to train their dog- the owner has spent money for someone else to tell him something that is already available for free, but the opportunity is there for the taking! Would you rather write about your experiences? Trainers have made nce incomes from books they have published. Or maybe you could write individual articles for bloggers!

You May Have Saved a Life

You could have literally saved a life! Large breeders, ‘puppy & kitten mills’ still exist, operating legally under the umbrella of ignorance the US Congress provides, in exchange for the excess of money the pet industry generates, producing enormous numbers of animals. Far more than our economy can support, more than there is a demand for, indirectly leading to over Two Million animals destroyed annually. Animal shelters across America can’t come close to providing for all of the strays needing homes. A great number of puppies grow up to either spend 80% of their lives in a metal cage barely large enough to turn around in, or end their existence far too early at the end of a syringe. Human criminals, murderers and rapists, are often afforded far more liberties; very few of these animals ever did anything wrong at all.
    Wonders of your new puppy!
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by Christopher Quinn Pet behaviourist and dog trainer